​​​​​​​Beth Lemerand is Printmaker integrating fiber arts into traditional printmaking techniques. While training in printmaking, Lemerand has been exploring how to blur the lines between high art and more traditional sewing and craft practices. Her current body of work explores the relationships between care, craft and memory. In her hands, depictions of quiet scenes of domesticity and the mundane become memorials of labor and love. By pulling from her own experiences and archives as well as moments universally related to, Lemerand is encouraging her viewers to think about the people and moments that have shaped them. Our heroes do not always need to have performed huge acts of salvation, sometimes the most important people to us have simply shown a willingness to be present and care.
Lemerand is pursuing a BFA in Art & Design, concentrating in Printmaking and Book Arts, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She currently holds a studio space in the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee and intends on continuing her studies post graduation.

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